Accounting services for:
Private individuals and self-employed individuals:
- • completion of the annual tax return;
- • regular quarterly reports.
Micro enterprises:
- • quarterly reports;
- • annual report.
Companies registered or not registered as VAT payers in the Republic of Latvia:
- • Bookkeeping and preparation of accounting registers (calculation of salaries and taxes);
- • drafting of internal documents and reports;
- • drafting of external financial statements;
- • drafting and filing of reports, performing the following services: preparation of accounting reports, preparation and filing of tax returns with the State Revenue Service (SRS) and the national authorities of statistics, preparation and filing of nil returns (where the company has not carried out any business activities, and there have been no changes in the balance sheet)
- • defending the client’s interests at the SRS, the national authorities of statistics and other authorities.
- • calculation of membership dues;
- • preparation of annual reports.
Services related to the registration or re-registration of a new company as well as registration of representative offices and branches (for residents and non-residents):
- • drafting of the document package;
- • online consultancy on miscellaneous matters (by phone or Skype);
- • provision of a registered office and postal address for correspondence;
- • registration of the company in the Register of Enterprises;
- • if required, accompanying the client to the SRS for VAT registration purposes;
• registration for EFS (electronic filing system) purposes.
Additional services:
- • storing the client’s accounting portfolio;
- • storing the back-office documents;
- • restoring delayed or lost accounting records;
- • tax planning;
- • assistance in liquidating the company;
- • audit commissioned by the owners of the company;
- • consultancy services.